
What is classical homeopathy?

Cinchona officianalis
Homeopathy was founded by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. The word ‘homeopathy’ comes from the Greek and means ‘similar suffering’ and refers to the central idea of Homeopathy that a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a person who is ill. Homeopathy stimulates your body’s own self-healing capacity and natural defenses. Symptoms are seen as the body’s way of communicating to us that there is a problem that needs addressing.

Effective homeopathic treatment increases your energy level, strengthens your immune system, and enhances your sense of well being. Homeopathic remedies are made by a carefully controlled process in a laboratory and are FDA approved. They are pleasant tasting and gentle enough for children and pregnant mothers.

sam hahnemannIn homeopathy we do not treat diseases, but treat the person who is sick. When you are not feeling well, all of your symptoms, whether physical, mental or emotional form a whole representing a state of imbalance very specific to you. The goal of the homeopath is to recognize the pattern of your unique set of symptoms and identify among a great number of remedies available, the one most similar to you.

Homeopathy is often confused with herbal medicine. These two systems of medicine are very different. Herbal medicine uses material doses of botanical substances, whereas homeopaths use serial dilutions made from plants, minerals, or any other substance found in nature.

Many people first experience homeopathy for first aid, such as using Arnica for a bruise or injury. Or you might use a combination remedy like Calms Forte for sleep. Using a good book on homeopathy and a Remedy Kit (see Resources), you can often treat yourself for acute or self-limiting conditions.

Where a Classical/Constitutional Homeopath is most helpful is for chronic, long standing conditions. People most often come for treatment either because they know someone who was helped by Homeopathy and think it might help them; they are seeking a safe, natural alternative for their health problem and don’t want to use drugs; or they are desperate and are willing to try any method of healing.

Whatever your motivation for seeking help, Homeopathy can be a real healing path on your quest for wholeness and well being.


What research has been done?

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There are hundreds of high quality, published studies showing that homeopathy works. These studies have been published in respected journals like Lancet, Pediatrics, Rheumatology, and Annals of Internal Medicine, among others.

The Lancet published a major review of 89 double blind studies on homeopathy. The authors concluded that the clinical effects of homeopathic medicines were not simply the result of placebo and they had a two and a half times greater effect than placebo. Another survey in the British Medical Journal showed there had been 107 controlled clinical trials in Homeopathy, 81 of which showed that homeopathy had beneficial results.